Judgment Enforcement - Forms


Documents Abstract of JudgmentAn abstract of judgment is used to create a public record and create a lien or claim if necessary on any real estate property owned or later acquired by the defendant located in the county in which the abstract of judgment is recorded,
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Documents Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment This acknowledges full or partial satisfaction of judgment and when properly recorded releases judgment liens to the extend the debt is satisfied.
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Documents Application for Entry of Judgment on Sister State Judgment Judgments from sister states may be entered and enforced thereafter in California. Additional documents are required.
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Documents Application for Earnings Withholdings Order This document requests a wage garnishment. Additional docuemnts are required.
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Documents Application and Order for Appearance and Examination This document is used to obtain an order for a debtor examination for the purpose of discovering assets that might satisfy a judgment.
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Documents Application for Renewal of Judgment Use this form to renew a civil judgment before it expires. Civil judgments expire after 10 years along with any associated real estate liens.
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Documents Claim of Exemption and Financial Statement File a Claim of Exemption form with the Sheriff to explain why some or all of the wages the creditor wants your employer to garnish should be exempt. There are laws and rules that say which types of income or property are exempt. Ask for the free Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments Informational Sheet
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Documents Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments Informational Sheet Information on California Exemptions from enforcement of judgments.
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Documents Memorandum of Costs After Judgment, Acknowledgment of Credit, and Declaration of Accrued Interest This form is used to make lawful additions or subtractions from a judgment balance due. It is frequently completed prior to issuance of a writ of execution. You have two years to add an allowable collection costs to your judgment after you pay it.
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Documents Notice of Judgment Lien (Filed with the Secretary of State) Use this form to create a judgment lien against "personal property."
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Documents Notice of Entry of Judgment on Sister State Judgment This is a notification to a judgment debtor of the entry of a judgment on a sister state judgment and starts the running of a 30 day period to file a motion to vacate before the judgment becomes final.
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Documents Notice of Renewal of Judgment This notices starts a 30 day period in which a judgment debtor may challenge the renewal of the judgment.
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Documents Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption Use this form to challenge a debtor's claim of exemption. You have 10 days from the date that the levying officer mailed the Notice of Filing of Claim of Exemption to you to file your opposition with the court. The court will notice a hearing.
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Documents Writ of Possession This form is issued by the clerk after court order is granted to obtain possession of personal or real property.
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Documents Writ of Execution Execution on a money judgment begins with a writ of execution issued by the clerk. The writ of execution orders a levying officer, e.g., a sheriff, to seize wages, or specific property of the debtor.
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*All attorney fees are subject to change by attorney without notice. Prices do not include any costs, eg., filing fees, service fees, postage, etc. All court documents prepared for you In Pro Per. Prices may differ in cases of full attorney representation.